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GreenVeggie Life

       Green Vegetables in daily life

Without water, we are nothing. Same as, without green vegetables our health is nothing. Green vegetables contains lots of minerals , proteins and vitamins that are essential for our body , blood circulation, as well as it protects human from many diseases like cancer,diabetes, hypertension etc

Also, green vegetables important for weight loss because it contains low calories. green vegetables are rich fiber , fiber makes our healthy and helps in weight loss too.Being a healthy , good diet plan is important.
Green vegetables for weight loss

Moreover, Green Vegetables are important for skin and hair also. Firstly, we talk about skin, green veggies makes our skin glowing and looks younger. Eating salad ( green, fruit) is more better than eating burgers ,pizzas etc .These all are fried things not good for our health ,so avoid it as you can and try to eat more green veggies in your daily day plan. Secondly , eating lots of green veggies also strengthen   your roots and makes them smooth.
Green vegetables for skin and hair
If I'm talking about our eyes, this is a very soft part of  our body .  Green vegetables like spinach ,kale etc. are rich vitamins like 'A' which are helpful for eyesight and protecting from eyes related problems.So, green vegetables are mandatory for our eyes.

Lastly, Green vegetables have great impact on women related problems(periods). As I'm said , green veggies are important for our blood circulation or purifies our blood. We eat lot but during periods if we prefer to eat fresh veggies and fruits, it will help in improving our health and also reduces pain that women face during periods.
Green vegetables during periods
 At the end, Green vegetables plays crucial role in our life not for only in health related  but also for other growth and protects for many diseases . So ,proper diet is more important. Eat more green veggies for stay healthy.
